
We Believe That Philosophy Involves the Passionate
 Pursuit of Truth, 还有善与美,

At 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, the rigorous study of philosophy therefore moves us to pursue wisdom and knowledge for human flourishing. If you are also captivated by this vision for the pursuit of truth, then we invite you to join our dynamic community at PBA. Fueled by the conviction that all truth finds its 源头在基督, the Master of Arts in 宗教哲学 degree (MAPR) aims to prepare you for making an impact in His kingdom in three ways:

An Innovative Degree for the 21st Century Christian Leader

  • 特别强调 公共哲学 that 与文化紧密结合
  • 充满活力的学习型社区 with small, in-person classes throughout the program
  • 严格的哲学训练, 探索各种各样的主题 in religion, theology, ethics, science, culture, and art from a Christian perspective
  • 负担得起的 tuition, with scholarships and graduate student worker opportunities
  • 前沿教育 一流的基督教哲学家 有丰富的事工经验
  • Solid foundation for further postgraduate studies 在领先的研究型大学
  • 从领导中学习 基督哲学家 who are dynamic teachers and caring mentors with a strong record of academic publishing.


  • 宗教哲学
  • 哲学神学
  • 形而上学
  • 公共哲学
  • 科学哲学
  • 哲学与文学

文学硕士,宗教哲学 教师


Dr. 保罗·古尔德

Associate Professor of 宗教哲学 and Director of the M.A. 宗教哲学课程

Dr. Gould is the author or editor of ten scholarly and popular-level books including 文化护教学哲学:基督教导论 (Zondervan, 2019) 宇宙的故事 (《十大网投平台信誉排行榜首页》,2019). He has been a visiting scholar at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School’s Henry Center, working on the intersection of science and faith, and is the founder and president of the Two Tasks Institute. He is a widely sought-after speaker in apologetics and philosophy. 他定期在大学演讲, 教堂, 以及全国各地的部委, 包括首脑部, the C.S. Lewis Institute, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society’s annual apologetics conference. 你可以找到更多关于Dr. Gould 他在 www.paulgould.com and http://www.twotasksinstitute.org.  他与埃塞尔结婚,育有四个孩子.

教育: B.A., Miami University (Ohio); M.A., Talbot School of Theology; Ph.D.普渡大学.

Dr. 保罗科潘

Professor Of Philosophy And Ethics; Pledger Family Chair Of Philosophy And Ethics

Paul Copan is the author and editor of over 30 books, including 对你来说是真的,但对我来说不是 (伯大尼的房子); 这只是你的理解你怎么知道你没有错?; When God Goes to Starbucks and 上帝是道德怪物吗? 理解旧约中的上帝 (全都和贝克一起); 爱的智慧:基督教哲学 的宗教 (Chalice Press); and 给新哲学家的一本小书 (IVP学术).

他与人合著了 Creation Out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration 贝克(学术), 介绍 to Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom (IVP学术), 《思想市场中的福音 (IVP学术),和 上帝真的命令种族灭绝吗? (Baker). He has co-edited three books on the historical Jesus and three other books in the philosophy of religion, 有神论的合理性 (劳特利奇) The Routledge Companion to 宗教哲学 (劳特利奇) 宗教哲学: Classic and Contemporary Issues (布莱克威尔). 他(与威廉·克雷格)合编。 Passionate Conviction and Contending with Christianity’s Critics, and 来吧,让我们一起思考 (都有B)&H 学术),他是 The Zondervan Dictionary of Christianity and Science. 他撰写了30多本书, and he has written many articles and book reviews for various professional and popular journals.

For six years he served as the president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, he has been a visiting scholar at Oxford University, 他还经常在大学校园发表演讲, 在会议上, 还有教会团体. Paul and his wife, Jacqueline, have six children, and they reside in 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, Florida.

教育: B.A., Columbia International University; M.A., M.Div., Trinity International University; Ph.D.马奎特大学.

Dr. 布兰登Rickabaugh

Assistant Professor Of Philosophy And Research Scholar On 公共哲学, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您

Dr. Rickabaugh has publications in various academic journals and books with Oxford University Press and Willey-Blackwell. He has been a Research Fellow at Baylor University for the Accountability as a Relational Virtue Project, and a Graduate Fellow in neuroscience for the SCP Science Cross-Training Grant with the John Templeton Foundation. He is currently the Franz Brentano Fellow in the 形而上学 of Mind at The Martin Institute.

Dr. Rickabaugh的论文, 意识的统一 (co-directed by Alexander Pruss and Timothy O’Connor) received the philosophy department’s Outstanding Dissertation of the Year award. He was named Top 40 Most Impactful 教师 at Baylor University (2018-2019) by the student body. He has given talks at universities in the US and UK, 包括牛津大学, Durham, 加州大学戴维斯分校, 但奥斯丁, 铜博尔德, 和耶鲁大学.

Dr. Rickabaugh’s academic work focuses on the nature of consciousness and how it informs our understanding of human nature, 上帝的本性和活动, 人类的繁荣. In the broadest sense, his work seeks to understand what unifies ultimate reality and human persons. He also engages public-facing philosophy exploring how the nature of consciousness and human persons relate to emerging technologies in artificial intelligence, 虚拟现实, 和神经科学.

Dr. 里卡博得到了200美元的慷慨资助,000 research grant to further his work in public-facing philosophy and to finish three book projects over the next two years. Brandon and his wife, Laura, have three children.

了解更多关于Dr. Rickabaugh和他的工作在更大程度上 www.brandonrickabaugh.com

教育: B.A., University of California, Irvine; M.A., Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Ph.D.贝勒大学.


Dr. R.T. Mullins

Visiting Professor Of Philosophy Of Religion, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您

Dr. R.T. Mullins has published over 40 essays on various topics in philosophical theology related to models of God, 时间哲学, 个人身份, 邪恶的问题, 残疾神学, 三位一体, 还有化身. 他已经出版了三本书, 永恒上帝的终结 (牛津大学出版社,2016), 上帝与情感 (剑桥大学出版社,2020年) 上帝啊,上帝啊,上帝啊,上帝啊 (秘鲁大学联合出版社,2021年). He is also the co-editor for the Cascade series 学习上帝的教义. Mullins has held research and teaching fellowships at the University of Notre Dame, 剑桥大学, 圣安德鲁斯大学, 爱丁堡大学, 赫尔辛基大学, 以及卢塞恩大学. He is a member of different research groups across the UK and Europe such as the 时间哲学学会, and 情感与宗教. He is a regularly invited speaker on different YouTube channels and podcasts. 他甚至还主持了自己的播客 不情愿的神学家. When not engaging in philosophical theology, he is often found at a metal show. 你可以找到更多关于他的工作 rtmullins.com.

教育: B.S., Point University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D.他是圣安德鲁斯大学的教授.



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