Photo of Provost awarding diploma to graduate student.



周一到周五,早上8点.m. 到下午4:30.m. 《网投十大信誉可靠平台》122和123A.

杰曼阿拉, Administrative Assistant for Faculty Research Committee and 研究生办公室 is in MC 122. 澳门十大正规网投平台如下.

天使Benavidez, Graduate Records and Centers Coordinator is at Felix Martinez Room 125, 在书记官长办公室内. 澳门十大正规网投平台如下.

凯瑟琳布鲁克斯, Graduate Affairs Coordinator, is working remotely. 可以联系到她 or 505-454-3266.

You may also reach the staff at Graduate Studies at

Any inquiries about the process of applying for admission or any questions regarding admissions should be directed to the 招生 Team at

If you have questions relating to your immigration status, please contact the International Education Center at

The 研究生办公室 oversees the New Mexico Graduate Scholarship and the 澳门十大正规网投平台 Graduate Assistantship allocations, which includes the applications for the scholarship and graduate assistantship requests from departments. We also process and approve all documents for graduate students. 最后, 我们回应学生的询问, facilitate and connect graduate students to 澳门十大正规网投平台 resources, and liaise with 研究生项目协调员 and other departments.

We also manage the Graduate Bridges to Success program, 发现于明亮空间, 这是我们学习管理系统的一部分. This is a centralized space for graduate students, 研究生项目协调员, and graduate faculty advisors to find information, 包括学期要求的任务. Students may find the checklists and the My Files folder useful to help them stay on track as they navigate through their degree programs.


(Discuss with your graduate program coordinator or department chair.)

New Mexico Graduate scholarships (Applications taken in March for the following academic year)
Processing and approving graduate student documents
Monitoring and updating Graduate Bridges to Success Organizing Graduate Assistant Orientation

教师: 审查和批准研究生文件



研究生目录 (网页版)

常见问题 在读学生

是的. 可以在这里找到: 研究生手册 

A: Graduate Bridges to Success is a centralized location to help graduate students from admissions to graduation. Graduate students can find Bridges inside their Brightspace platform. 在这个壳里, 学生将能够找到所需的文件, 截止日期清单, 解释, and a documents folder that students can store their own copies.

问:我开始攻读研究生学位,然后就停了下来. What is the process needed to get back into my degree program?
A: 打电话或发邮件给凯瑟琳·布鲁克斯. 她问你几个问题后就会帮助你.

问:为什么我需要学生证或学生证? 我的名字还不够吗?
A: The student or Banner ID is your unique digital fingerprint that allows us to look inside your records to best help you. If you don’t remember it, we can also use your date of birth.

问:我无法使用我的澳门十大正规网投平台邮箱或密码. 我该联系谁??
A: 联系ITS服务台,电话:505-426-2215或

问:我想申请研究生奖学金. 申请什么时候可用?
A: The application for the 澳门十大正规网投平台 graduate scholarship is available in March of every year for the following academic year.

问:我对研究生助教奖学金很感兴趣. 我怎样才能得到一个?
A: Each department has a limited number of GA positions, so contact your department chair or program coordinator and let him or her know you are interested in applying for a graduate assistantship.

A: Please contact your graduate program coordinator or department chair.

问:我是从另一所大学转来的. Can I use the credits from that institution toward my degree here at Highlands?
A: Your department chair or graduate program coordinator will need to submit a Graduate 转移 of Credit to the 研究生办公室.

Foundation Scholarships for 澳门十大正规网投平台-admitted students can be found at

Foundation Scholarships for prospective students can be found at

Q: What is the Graduate Assistantship and how do I apply for one?
A: 研究生助教奖学金, 也被称为gasship, is an 澳门十大正规网投平台 program that allows students to work while studying. Most applicants are awarded based on academic merit, program availability, and program needs. Awardees may be offered a full, three-quarter, half, or quarter graduate assistantship. Each comes with specific monetary stipends and tuition waivers, depending on the needs and number of positions of your department. Applications are taken in April for the following fall semester and in October for the following spring semester. Please seek your graduate program coordinator or department chair to learn more.

Q: What is the New Mexico Graduate Scholarship and how do I apply for one?
A: The New Mexico Graduate Scholarship is a working scholarship. Applications are sent to 研究生项目协调员 and department chairs in March of every year for the following academic year. Priority will be given to New Mexican residents who are from groups with the most severe under-representation and to students with the greatest financial need. Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. It pays $7200 per academic year plus tuition for six (6) credit hours per semester.


  1. To serve in an UNPAID internship for 10 hours each week of the contract period.
  2. To be in a PAID graduate assistantship for 10 hours each week of the contract period.
  3. To remain in good academic standing as per university policy, and
  4. Enroll as a full-time graduate student as per the Graduate Scholarship Act (21-21G MNSA 1978).

Applications are taken in March of every year for the following academic year.




P: 505-454-3342



P: 505-454-3266



P: 505-454-3410




P: 505-454-3373