** 2024年毕业典礼信息**

** 2024年毕业典礼信息**



The university’s primary mission is to provide access to its facilities for 学生s, 教师, 工作人员和偶尔的公众. The university shall take all appropriate steps to reduce the risk to property and persons. 因此, 由学校自行决定, the university may deny the use of university facilities for any reason up to but not limited to the following reasons:

  1. 该事件对设施、财产构成了不适当的风险
  2. The projected occupancy of the event exceeds the capacity of the requested facility
  3. May result in the violation of university policies, 联邦 and 状态 laws or local ordinances
  4. And any other risk that could result in potential harm to the health, 参与者的安全和福祉, 学生, 教师, 和工作人员

The Facilities Rental Coordinator is the first point of contact for the use of university facilities, 包括一些教室和授权授予批准. To reserve a facility, contact the Facilities Rental Coordinator at 505-454-3062 or email hurentals@istarcasting.com.  (Do not contact the Registrar’s Office or a specific department to reserve a classroom.)


Regular $125; Commercial $200

Regular $125; Commercial $200

Regular $125; Commercial $200

Regular $400; Commercial $600

Regular $2000; Commercial $3000
Regular $2500; Commercial $3500

Regular $1000; Commercial $1500

威尔逊复杂* *
Regular $2000; Commercial $3000
**以营利为目的的活动——适用最低商业费率, 加上任何额外设施/保安服务的费用. 此外,澳门十大正规网投平台还收取了20%的票房收入.


此处列出的伊尔菲尔德礼堂仅供参考. 日程安排必须与查尔斯·韦伯(ccweber@istarcasting.com). 请参阅 伊尔菲尔德礼堂详情 复习一下 这里是伊尔菲尔德协议.

All individual(s)/organization(s) interested in using university facilities are required to complete a Facilities Request Form (FRF). The individual signing the form must have authority to bind the individual(s)/organization(s) into the terms and conditions of the FRF, 澳门十大正规网投平台的政策和程序, 联邦, 状态, 以及地方法规. A signed FRF does not guarantee the facility is reserved or that the proposed dates are secured until the form has been viewed and duly authorized by 澳门十大正规网投平台 personnel. It is incumbent that the authorizing individual(s)/organization(s) reads and acknowledges the terms and conditions of the FRF. 澳门十大正规网投平台 has the right to request additional information in order to duly commit the University to the agreement. Misrepresentation of any event information may result in the denial of any future requests.

All individual(s)/organization(s) must submit a completed application, 责任保险证明(如适用), together with the rental fee at least 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled event. Failure to submit a complete application, as 状态d above, may result in the loss of the reservation. A late fee will be assessed to all on and off-campus individual(s)/organization(s) that do not file the completed application on time.

If the requester decides to cancel an event after having completed the application and submission of the rental fee, written notification of the cancellation must be provided to the Facilities Rental Coordinator. If the reservation is not cancelled 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled event, 请求者放弃租金.

由学校自行决定, the university has a right to cancel the agreement in whole or in part 45 calendar days (or in case of campus closure due to COVID, 火灾或洪水), 有或没有原因, with no obligation to reimburse the organization for any cost or expenses incurred as a result of cancellations, 或澳门十大正规网投平台员工的其他行为, 除定金外.

The waiving of these costs is precluded by the New Mexico Constitution’s Anti-Donation clause, 禁止大学捐款吗, goods or services to organizations that are not part of the university. 只有澳门十大正规网投平台特许团体/组织, 教员/员工, 和/或部门可以免费使用设施. Their right to use facilities free of charge is limited to academic events or other uses that are directly related to the university’s mission. University organizations and departments are not allowed to extend their allowance to use facilities free of charge to non-university individual(s)/organization(s) by co-sponsoring events, unless the event is clearly related to the university’s mission and approved.






澳门十大正规网投平台 is required to comply with fire and life safety codes enforced by the New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s Office and the International Fire Code (IFC). The Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) conducts inspections of all 澳门十大正规网投平台 facilities on a monthly basis to ensure we are in compliance with fire code and OSHA standards. The individual responsible for the facilities usage form is also responsible for the life and fire safety standards.

The following concepts reflect the most commonly cited violations at 澳门十大正规网投平台 and other universities in New Mexico by the NM State Fire Marshal during an event.  Please look for these items or conditions in your workplace and mitigate them or contact EHS for assistance.

Safe Egress Corridors:   Egress: The action of going out of or leaving a place or the direct means of access out of a place.

  • 保持所有出口走廊的安全, available for immediate utilization and free of all obstructions.
  • Combustibles or hazardous materials should not be stored near any egress corridors.
  • 确保火灾探测系统不被任何障碍物堵塞.  探测装置包括火灾报警拉站, 火警频闪, 软管连接, 安全淋浴, 无稽之谈, 以及其他应急设备.

火灾/热和烟雾探测器校园里的大多数建筑都有火灾报警系统.  话虽如此, smoke detectors are installed to save life and property by immediately notifying occupants of a smoke or fire incident. IF A FIRE ALARM IS ACTIVATED, EXIT THE BUILDING TO YOUR NEAREST ASSEBLY POINT. 这些可以在疏散地图上找到贴在每栋楼里.

Fines: Violators may be fined for failing to comply with fire safety regulations. The amount of the fine can vary based on factors such as the nature of the violation and the size of the building.
